Bernard Hwang

Level Designer

Dev Blog - AquaBlock - One

Solo Project, DevBlogBernard HwangComment


What is AquaBlock?

AquaBlock is a mobile puzzle game project. The puzzles contain a fractured block that the user has to piece together.

Everything you see in this post is work in progress.

How to Play

In AquaBlock, the user is given an array of puzzle block pieces that can be combined into a complete block. The user has to place each piece given into the correct positions. The incomplete puzzle block at the bottom can be rotated freely to adjust where the piece drops.


How did this project start?

  1. Concept Stage
    Starting at the concept stage, I created several visual mock-ups for potential games. Translating my ideas into visual representations helped me define the look, gameplay, and scope of the game.
  2. Prototype Stage
    The concepts with more potential were advanced into the rapid prototyping stage. Speed was the focus in this phase; I used placeholder art and scripts to be build quick prototypes that could be used to test out core gameplay.
  3. Minimal Viable Product
    After choosing from the prototypes, a minimal viable product was built. The MVP is a vertical slice containing 3 worlds, 7 puzzles, 3 block types and an unlock system. It's main benefit is that it provides me with a better platform to test and build content with.