Bernard Hwang

Level Designer

Muffin Express Project 5 - Prototype 3

DevelopmentBernard HwangComment

This is a prototype created to help decide the direction for my Junior Team's next project. The only design prompt given by the team was to create a multiplayer arena game.

This is usually where I put video of the prototype, but unfortunately the project was lost before I could do so.

KickPuncher v2.0 is a 2D Beat 'em Up. This time it's about four people on three space stations left to do one thing, kick a lot of butts... but in space. A new wave of bad guys spawn every round. The players must use the lift to travel between the stations to punch all the enemies out of all the space stations.

Combat has two stages

  1. Enemies need to be stunned by players' blasters.

  2. The player with the "KickPunch" powerup needs to melee the stunned enemies out a window.

Teamwork is imperative in this prototype. The rigid ruleset requires players to work together to eliminate even the smallest groups of enemies.